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We are offering three different 1-Day training clinics to get you mentally and physically ready for your race! Plus, sign up for any TWO of the mermaid clinics and receive a Mermaid Capitola training shirt!


If this is your first triathlon we highly recommend attending at least one Swim Clinic and the Tri & Du Clinic. The Swim Clinics cover all aspects of open water swimming, whereas the Tri & Du Clinic will mainly focus on setting up your transition and then practicing a swim, bike, run.

We've partnered with See Her Swim for some additional swim clinics in San Francisco at Aquatic Park. The See Her Swim clinics are organized and offered by Morgan Filler, a renowned open water swim coach.


The Tri & Du clinic will go over all aspects of your race including the transitions. We recommend you attend both the Swim Clinic AND the Tri & Du clinic if this is your first triathlon.


The clinic gives you the chance to do a "mini" Tri or Du. We will cover you lots of tips and tricks to prepare you for your race and well focus a lot on the race transitions. You will set up your transition, just like you would on race day and then practice a mini Tri or Du.


Triathletes will do the sprint distance swim as well as practice TRANSITIONING from the swim to bike to run, a very important aspect to triathlon. Duathletes will practice the run and TRANSITIONING from the run to bike to run.


This clinic is limited to 45 women. Please bring your swim gear including goggles, swim cap, swim suit, wetsuit, towel and any questions you may have about the swim. We highly recommend wearing a wetsuit. Wetsuits can be rented at most all Sports Basements.


We will cover topics and answer ALL of your questions! Topics include:

- setting up a transition

- clothing

- bike equipment

- basic triathlon & duathlon knowledge

- swim tips

Time: 9:00 AM - noon

Location: Capitola, CA

Cost: $54.00

Clinic Directions and Parking


The swim clinic provides a safe and supported environment to practice swimming the same course as in the race! Our goal is to get you comfortable in and out of the water.


We will focus on the emotional aspect of open water swimming and provide tips and drills for you to practice. This is the perfect time to get in the ocean without any pressure or stress. Volunteers will be in the water to help guide you around the Capitola wharf. We will break up into groups depending on your swimming skills and abilities. No one will be left behind.


This clinic is limited to 40 women. Please bring your swim gear including goggles, swim cap, swim suit, wetsuit, towel and any questions you may have about the swim. We highly recommend wearing a wetsuit. Wetsuits can be rented at most all Sports Basements.

Time: 9:00 AM - Noon

Location: Capitola, CA

Cost: $49.00

Clinic Directions & Parking


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